- Högre utbildning – Högre utbildning är en vetenskaplig e-tidskrift som är fritt tillgänglig enligt open access-principen. Tidskriftens övergripande syfte är att stödja framväxten av kunskap om lärande och undervisning inom högre utbildning och därigenom bidra till utvecklingen av högskoleundervisningen. Tidskriften utgör ett praktiknära forum för idé- och kunskapsutbyte och debatt för alla som är engagerade i högre utbildning såsom lärare och handledare, studenter och doktorander, pedagogiska utvecklare och ledare samt forskare med inriktning mot lärande i högskolan.
- International Journal for Academic Development – IJAD is the journal of the International Consortium for Educational Development. The journal enables academic/educational developers in higher education across the world to exchange ideas about practice and extend the theory of educational development, with the goal of improving the quality of higher education internationally. The journal is published by Routledge four times a year.
- NordSTEP (Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy). En bra tidskrift att bidra till är Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy (NordSTEP). De bjuder in bidrag till ett nummer om Life and work in academia.
- Policy Reviews in Higher Education. Intressant läsning (och publiceringsmöjligheter) brukar också Society of Research in Higher Education (SRHE) erbjuda.
Higher Education Quarterly. Higher Education Quarterly occupies a critical space in promoting research into higher education policy and practice internationally. Its remit includes, for instance, institutional approaches to the student experience, management and leadership; system-wide issues such as student funding and widening participation; and international responses to global market environments. It places particular emphasis on comparative material as opposed to single institution or local case studies. The journal is unique in bringing together issues arising from academic policy and practice and thereby serving a broadly based readership.
- Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education – Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education is an established international peer-reviewed journal which publishes papers and reports on all aspects of assessment and evaluation within higher education. Its purpose is to advance understanding of assessment and evaluation practices and processes, particularly the contribution that these make to student learning and to course, staff and institutional development. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education welcomes research-based, reflective or theoretical studies which help to illuminate the practice of assessment and evaluation in higher education. The journal is aimed at all higher education practitioners, irrespective of discipline. It sets out to provide readily accessible, up-to-date information about significant developments within the field, with a view to the sharing and extension of evaluated, innovative practice and the development of ideas.
- The Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE). Kommer ut med tre nummer per år välkomnar bidrag inom ett brett område.
- Education Enquiry – Education Inquiry är en elektronisk tidskrift som utkommer fyra gånger per år. Inquiry uttrycker ett sorts sökande, vilket passar för en tidskrift som i första hand inte vill proklamera sanningar, utan som snarare önskar problematisera och vetenskapliggöra. Tidskriften är en direkt fortsättning på Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning och utges av Lärarhögskolan. Tidskriften publicerar enbart artiklar på engelska. Tidskriften utkommer som tidigare med fyra nummer per år. Education Inquiry har även en internationell redaktion, som består av internationellt erkända forskare med erfarenheter från andra tidskrifter. De utgör inte enbart en sorts garant för tidskriftens kvalitet, utan ska även vara verksamma som granskare av ett antal artiklar per år.
- International Journal for Students as Partners – a new journal about learning and teaching together in higher education. IJSaP explores new perspectives, practices, and policies regarding how students and staff (used here and subsequently to refer to academic staff/faculty, professional staff, and other stakeholders) are working in partnership to enhance learning and teaching in higher education. Shared responsibility for teaching and learning is the underlying premise of students as partners, and IJSaP is produced using a student-staff partnership approach.
- Student Engagement in Higher Education – tidskriften kommer ut med två nummer per år. Man kan bidra med olika typer av texter, såsom ”research papers,” ”student voice”, ”opinion pieces”, ”case studies” och ”non-text submissions”.
- E-learning and Digital Media – E-learning and Digital Media is a peer-reviewed international journal directed towards the study and research of e-learning in its diverse aspects: pedagogical, curricular, sociological, economic, philosophical and political. It is an online-only journal published six times a year, those six issues constituting one volume.
- Studies in Higher Education – Studies in Higher Education is a leading international journal publishing research-based articles dealing with higher education issues from either a disciplinary or multi-disciplinary perspective. Empirical, theoretical and conceptual articles of significant originality will be considered. The Journal welcomes contributions that seek to enhance understanding of higher education policy, institutional management and performance, teaching and learning, and the contribution of higher education to society and the economy. Comparative studies and analysis of inter-system and cross-national issues are also welcomed, as are those addressing global and international themes. The Journal will publish annually two special issues on topics of international significance to higher education.
Quality in Higher Education – Quality in Higher Education is aimed at those interested in the theory, practice and policies relating to the control, management and improvement of quality in higher education. The journal is receptiveto critical, phenomenological as well as positivistic studies. The journal would like to publish more studies that use hermeneutic, semiotic, ethnographic or dialectical research as well as the more traditional studies based on quantitative surveys and in-depth interviews and focus groups.Teaching in Higher Education – Teaching in Higher Educationis an international,peer-reviewed journal. The journal addresses the roles of teaching, learning and the curriculum in higher education in order to explore and clarify the intellectual challenges which they present. The journal is interdisciplinary and aims to open up discussion across subject areas by involving all those who share an enthusiasm for learning and teaching.
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE) – Learning Development is a field of practice concerned with how students learn and how they make sense of academic conventions. JLDHE is published by the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE).
- Creative Academic – Creative Academic explores a different aspect of creativity in each issue with a focus on the exchange of ideas and practices about creativity and how we can facilitate students’ creative development in higher education. The magazine is free to download at http://www.creativeacademic.uk/magazine.html
- The Journal of Academic Writing is an international, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the teaching, tutoring, researching, administration and development of academic writing in higher education in Europe. Published by the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW), the Journal of Academic Writing is relevant to teachers, scholars, and program managers across disciplines and across the world who are interested in conducting, debating and learning from research into best practices in the teaching of writing.
- Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) – HERDis an international peer-reviewed journal, established in 1982 as the principal learned journal of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA). HERD informs and challenges researchers, teachers, administrators, policy-makers and others concerned with the past, present and future of higher education. The journal publishes scholarly articles that make a significant and original contribution to the theory, practice or research of higher education. All articles must propose fresh critical insights into the area being addressed and be appropriately framed for an international audience.
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
is an open,
double-blind peer reviewed electronic journal published twice per year by the Centers for Teaching & Technology at Georgia Southern University. The journal is an international forum for research and information about the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and its applications in higher/tertiary education.
Submission Deadlines: September 15th for the January issue and March 15th for the July issue.
- Nordisk tidskrift för allmän didaktik – den nordiska och kontinentaleuropeiska didaktiktraditionen ligger primärt till grund för denna tidskrift. I fokus står vetenskapliga studier om undervisning och bildning. Dessa studier kan handla om undervisningsfrågor utifrån olika filosofiska inriktningar, om policyanalyser av skolan som institution, om lärares arbete, om klassrummet, och skolan som social praktik. Tidskriften accepterar bidrag på de skandinaviska och engelska språken. Publicerade artiklar är referee-bedömda.
- Teaching and Learning Inquiry – eaching & Learning Inquiry is the open access journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). TLI publishes peer-reviewed scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) research in higher education across disciplinary, institutional, and geographical contexts.