The 3rd International Students as Partners Institute (ISaPI) will be held at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada (approx. 45 min south of Toronto Airport) from 11-14 June 2018. The overall aim of ISaPI is to build the capacity and understanding of faculty, staff, and students to develop, design, implement, and disseminate initiatives that promote the practice of students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education. Staff and faculty are encouraged, where possible, to bring a student with them, or students to bring a member of staff/faculty with them to participate in one or two consecutive two-day interactive workshops:
- Doing students as partners well: Exploring powerful in-class and extra-curricular practices
- Being a good partner: Understanding the dynamics of power-sharing partnership practices
Alternatively, teams of 4-6 faculty/staff and students (at least two of each) from an institution can apply to join a 3.5 day ‘Change Institute’ at which they’ll develop a ‘students as partners’ initiative they hope to implement in the coming year.